Paintings about time - defineartgifts

Paintings about time

It was after our daily hour of piano practice, when Idalet (age 12 years) asked me: "How many dimensions are there?" I immediately jumped to the answer from a maths point of view and replied: "Three: x, y and z". Idalet replied: "Yes, but there is another dimension: Time."

After spending years with the interpretation of her art did I understand the extent of her question.

In her untitled artwork dated 1985 (Composite image B) she may have depicted "time" measured as four moon phases with markings on a celestial pole.

In her abstract landscape of 2007, Linear Language (30 cm x 200 cm, mixed-media on canvas),  I associated the black vertical markings with a blip, drawing the viewer's attention from left to right, perhaps to set this landscape in the passage of time.

My interpretation of Idalet's art is available in an e-book format and compares her paintings between 1985 to 2008: Idalet. A transpersonal contemporary artist:

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